DUBAI CASINO CITY: Will It Ever Be Built??

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DUBAI CASINO CITY: Will It Ever Be Built?? Nov 04, 2007
I know it sounds impossible but who knows?? Dubai almost invested $5.1Billion in MGM/Mirage, one of the biggest casino gaming companies in the world and Dubai has also announced that they are looking to do more deals with MGM/Mirage.

Do you think Dubai will ever build DUBAI CASINO CITY--a Casino Gaming Mega-Project that, if Dubai does it, will put all other casino gaming destinations to shame and make Dubai one of the top gaming destinations of the world?

Such a project would bring in incredible amounts of tourism to Dubai, not to mention incredible revenues. This increased tourism would be great for the other Dubai Mega-Projects as the gamblers would no doubt want to visit all the amazing Dubai attractions.

I know that Dubai is Islamic and Islam is against gambling but Dubai is also very capitalistic and pro business, much more so than other Islamic countries.

So what do you think? Will we ever see DUBAI CASINO CITY??

Dubai Forums Member
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Nov 04, 2007
I think that Dubai will eventually build something with a similar idea, yes Dubai is an islamic country, but it is also a metropolitan city..
Dubai Forums Talker
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