Dec 08, 2006
Dear Kenelli
You are very right in saying that "Clients who have lawyers are not given any "special treatment" on their application, though 9 out 10 people will still try to hire lawyers, representative for representing their cases, because of certain valid reasons, and probably some of them I would like to highlight them.
Do you think, that a person who has never handled an immigration application before will be able to get his/her application through the immigration bureaucracy as quickly, predictably, and successfully as someone who has filed that type of application dozens of times before.
Immigration practitioners are generally faster, not because they are given special treatement, but because they avoid delays in a number of ways:
1. By being able to accurately predict how immigration officials might resolve a particular issue, practitioners can avoid filing an application that is likely headed for failure.
2. The practitioner knows what type of documentary proof is needed to prove critical facts. Immigration officers can refuse an application without notic if the evidentiary material filed is not persuasive. Filing a new application will return the applicant to the back of the line.
3. Once the application is filed, the practitioner knows the tempo of the process i.e. what should be happening and when. If something does not seem right, s/he can immediately take corrective measures. The self-represented person has no such experience to guide him / her.
4. The experienced practitioner will know how and who to contact when things do get off-track. The department is particularly adept at avoiding communications with clients since any form of correspondence is viewed as an obstruction to the management of its caseload. Knowing how to reach a helpful officer is invaluable.
5. If the application is refused, the practitioner is likely to appeal on time. Self-represented people often allow the appeal period to expire while they are attempting to resolve the problem. This leaves them no choice but to reapply.
Do not hesitate to contact me on
Yasir Majid
Link 2 Canada (coming soon)
Mobile: 00 1 647 242 5945