Business Make It Sence? Or..

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Business make it sence? Or.. Aug 21, 2007
Hi everybody,

Soon I move to Dubai and will be employed by an international company. From my previous company, I have very good contact to one supplier which wants that I sale & service their products in the Middle East. The products are quite unique but the turnover/ profit will be quite small. I assume that I can make approx. 30.000- USD profit, but now I have to consider the cost of the company. Please let me know, what is the cheapest way to have a company in Dubai which allows me to sale & service their products. I don’t need any office as I will work from at home. What will be the cost per annum approximately, because this will be my main point?

I thank you in advance for your reply!!


Dubai Expat Wannabe
Posts: 7

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