Bans in the UAE
Jun 24, 2005
At present the ban is manditory on all catagories of employment!
This means unless your sponsor provides you with a No Objection Certificate, and his PRO accompanies you to emmigration when your visa is cancelled you will get a 6 month emmigration ban.
If your visa is cancelled at the airport on exiting the country and you do not have the PRo or the NOC with you, you will be banned.
There is a manditory 1 year ban for domestic workers, domestic drivers and ex-government employees (including defence, airforce and engineers office).
The employer does not have to enforce the ban if he releases or fires you, as I said the ban is by the department of labour and department of emmigration - the ban is automatic unless the sponsor requests it not to be implimented!!!!!!!!
You may not be banned if.... you lay a valid complaint with the labour department against your sponsor for breach of contract (non-payment or physical abuse).
If you are bannes you cannot enter on a visit visa, one will not be issued to you if there is an outstanding ban on your record; they do do retina scans when you leave so changing your name or passport does not help!
The ban is also affected on normal conclusion of your labour contract, that is to say when the duration of your contract expires (3 yrs) and you don't wish to renew it.....
- dbxsoul
- Honored Member

- Posts: 1626
- Location: Dubai