Androgenetic Hair Loss In Men And Women

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Androgenetic Hair Loss in Men and Women Aug 08, 2013
Androgenetic hair loss , a type of heredity hair loss is often called male/female pattern baldness. Almost as many women as men develop hereditary hair loss, but their hair loss patterns are often different. There are two types of Androgenetic hair loss:
* Not advanced androgenic alopecia
The hair follicles actually “shrink”. As the follicles shrink the quality of the hair strands growing from the follicles is reduced.  This type of hair loss is most often associated with men. However, women also suffer from not advanced androgenic alopecia
* Advanced androgenic alopecia
This is a more serious stage of hereditary hair loss. In the advanced stage the hair follicles shrink so significantly that they can no longer sustain hair growth.

Dubai Forums Enthusiast
Posts: 75
Location: Dubai

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Re: Androgenetic Hair Loss In Men And Women Aug 08, 2013
Hair loss is the biggest problem in today's generation and I have seen almost everyone suffering form the same issue. I hope you have the best solution for this and people can be benefitted.

Thanks for sharing this useful information with all.
Dubai Forums Enthusiast
Posts: 79

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