Living In Sharjah Please Help Is Urgent!!! Thanks You!!!

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Living in Sharjah Please help is urgent!!! Thanks you!!! Feb 12, 2008

I'm a student who has recently been given the oppertunity to go to Sharjah for a project. However I know nothing about this emirate state.

Can someone please tell me what:
- Cost of living is in Sharjah?
- If it is possible to share appartments and what these will cost?
- How conservative Sharjah is, I am a women so I really would like to know how the dresscode is and if women can live freely in sharjah??
- What do i need to consider before accepting the project?

The company said they would pay me a 1000euro's a month and pay for my flight ticket. How much more money will I need to be able to live in a good area in Sharjah? Sharing with other expats is also fine.

It's really difficult to find information on the internet so I hope that someone can help me.

Kind regards,
A dutch girl!

Dubai Expat Wannabe
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GOT MY ANSWER????? Feb 13, 2008
I wonder... :shock: :? :evil: 8) :D :) :( :o :shock: :? 8) :wink: :cry: :lol:

I thought, it was the people in this part of the world, who don't have manners and common sense.

But found out, that europian people have the same bad habit.

Hope you got the answers you are looking for.


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Re: GOT MY ANSWER????? Feb 16, 2008
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Feb 16, 2008
Everybody please don't fight I'm grateful for all the help I can get and like I explained before sometimes it just takes a while to answer. Aren't we all busy people :( .

But thanks for sticking up for me anyways. But it is all ok!!

Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Re: Living in Sharjah Please help is urgent!!! Thanks you!!! Feb 16, 2008
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Feb 16, 2008
Thank you for your help jean, but at the moment I am waiting for the company to give me more info. When I will have it and need more help I will contact you.

Thank you!
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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you are most welcome Feb 16, 2008
.. :D
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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got to sleep now.. Feb 16, 2008
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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