Accommodation In Dubai

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Accommodation in Dubai Apr 04, 2006
Would anyone recommend a cheap accommodation in Dubai? I looked at the cheapest hotels but even those are pretty pricey compared to the european standards.....

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Apr 04, 2006
How long r u planning to stay ?! And when r u going to be there ?!
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Apr 05, 2006
well whilst your going to recommend cheap accomodation maybe u won't mind sharing this info with me too as i too am interested for my second visit to duabi....probs around xmas
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Apr 05, 2006
I plan on going there the second week in August for about a week or two, it depends on the accommodation I'll find.

Wafaey wrote:How long r u planning to stay ?! And when r u going to be there ?!
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Re: Accommodation in Dubai Apr 12, 2006
yeh, offcourse!! Dubai would give a both expencive and cheap rated villas and appartments for you,if u can log in to u can find lots of prperties,u can also contact me or my office,
Anwar Mob 5494415
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Apr 12, 2006
1Annie1 wrote:I plan on going there the second week in August for about a week or two, it depends on the accommodation I'll find.

You should be able to find a cheap place easily around that period cause everyone else looks to disappear from here.
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Apr 12, 2006
it looks impossible to find a cheap place that would also assist me with the visa...i assume that only hotels do it...?

XRW-147 wrote:
1Annie1 wrote:I plan on going there the second week in August for about a week or two, it depends on the accommodation I'll find.

You should be able to find a cheap place easily around that period cause everyone else looks to disappear from here.
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Apr 12, 2006
Assist you with ur visa? What exactly is the nature of your visit?
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Apr 12, 2006
Im coming there just for a holiday, still need a visa though...last time i was there, the hotel where i was staying arranged the visa for me but as this time I'd like to safe some money on the accommodation I wont be able to use a hotel visa service.

XRW-147 wrote:Assist you with ur visa? What exactly is the nature of your visit?
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Apr 12, 2006
They will just ask where you are staying, then stamp you. Technically there is no Visa arranged by the hotel. All immigration need to know is that you are staying somewhere.
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Apr 13, 2006
well, i dont think that's right cause last time the hotel send me a copy of my visa so there has to be someone who applies for it....guys why is it such a hassle?:/

arniegang wrote:They will just ask where you are staying, then stamp you. Technically there is no Visa arranged by the hotel. All immigration need to know is that you are staying somewhere.
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Apr 13, 2006
Annie, which euro country are you coming from? Typically there are no pre-arrival visa requirements from Euro countries.
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Apr 13, 2006
well, this is yet not a case of the Czech Republic:(

XRW-147 wrote:Annie, which euro country are you coming from? Typically there are no pre-arrival visa requirements from Euro countries.
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Apr 13, 2006
Okay, well that starts to make sense now.
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Apr 13, 2006

XRW-147 wrote:Okay, well that starts to make sense now.
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Apr 13, 2006
There are only 33 countries where you get rubber stamped in, the rest aren't as lucky they need to be sponsored. Hotels like to rape you when they do this, it is a good money making opportunity for them.

Hotels and tourist companies do this, if you go through a tour company they may charge a little bit more but at least your selection on hotel becomes infinite so your net costs may be lower.

Good luck
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Apr 13, 2006
the thing is that in the CR travel agencies dont offer a lot of trips to Dubai, I found only two, one to Nihal hotel which looks kinda weird and then Burj Al Arab:) Will keep searching...

fayz wrote:There are only 33 countries where you get rubber stamped in, the rest aren't as lucky they need to be sponsored. Hotels like to rape you when they do this, it is a good money making opportunity for them.

Hotels and tourist companies do this, if you go through a tour company they may charge a little bit more but at least your selection on hotel becomes infinite so your net costs may be lower.

Good luck
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Apr 13, 2006
What Fayz said. But good luck with ur search though. Ever thought of using an independant PR service to handle ur visas?
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Apr 13, 2006
i dont think there's any service like that here. I might apply personally but we dont have an UAE embassy here so it'd be kind of hassle as well+i have to provide them with a confirmation of my hotel booking which i dont have yet...i guess i will just have to book a room in some hotel as it'd be easier...but will have less money for partiyng.....:/

XRW-147 wrote:What Fayz said. But good luck with ur search though. Ever thought of using an independant PR service to handle ur visas?
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May 27, 2006
1Annie1 wrote:I plan on going there the second week in August for about a week or two, it depends on the accommodation I'll find.

niiice, i'm going there at the same time, August 5th for 2 weeks.
my god it's gonna be hot but it's better than here anyway HAHAHAHA

sorry i went off topic, i really wish you good luck finding a place.
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