dbxsoul wrote:There is one small thing I’d like to point out in the whole scenario. The questions of why and who? Surely, any rational person if they feel that their beliefs had in some way been affronted would firstly take up the issue with the teacher and failing a suitable explanation then proceed to the principal to take action. Given the context of the school and the diverse nature of religious backgrounds (it is not an Islamic school and has students from other faiths as well), the teacher or headmaster would simply admit the mistake and rectify the error – failing any course of action the “complainant” could then go justifiably to the police.
I feel the method used was purely self-serving to possibly show what a paragon of virtue he/ she is in the community and to draw attention to their own actions and piety and not necessarily that their religious beliefs had been affronted. You get attention seekers in every walk of life and community; it’s just unfortunate that it has escalated to this.
I know some of the other teachers at the school as well as in the area; theirs is definitely a labour of love and not for financial reward.
good post