Bringing DVDs, Videos And Boooks Into Dubai

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Bringing DVDs, Videos and Boooks into Dubai Apr 24, 2006
Hi there,

Well, almost there. Now at the stage of getting the removal company to come and pick my stuff up. Should happen on Friday. Question though. I have a large collections of DVDs and books. Nothing dodgy in the western sense, mostly hollywood stuff in the DVD side, maybe a few political books. The removal company has advised me that due to the censorship rules in Dubai, it could be that if I happen to have any "suspicious" DVDs or books, the authorities will delay the shipment, take out whatever DVD or book, watch it and then charge me for the pleasure. I'm happy enough simply to leave any offending items behind me here in Australia. Are there any guidelines / lists, as to what is acceptable over there? How do I know what I can and can't bring with me?

Have done a few searchs but not found anything.

Any help much appreciated!

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Apr 24, 2006
We just make sure when we move we only take the kids movies and basically family movies(PG basically)-you would be surprised by what gets taken out in some places. I don't think they actually checked but I like to start off on the right foot. Anyway more importantly check your medicines-there is a list on one of the govt websites that tells you what is and not allowed-definitely no codeine!! Also no alcohol but that is a no-brainer!!
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Apr 24, 2006
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Apr 24, 2006
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Apr 24, 2006
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Apr 24, 2006
oops! sorry about the stutter
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Apr 24, 2006

Thanks for the advice people, extremely helpful as have all the replies I've had so far on here. I don't have any medicines to bring with me or pirate movies, p<3n and of course the alcohol is out of question, I'm making a point of using that up in my last week here, hic. I get the impression that I don't have that much to worry about but just in case, what happens if customs do take a dislike to what I have? Do they just confiscate it or is there a fine or anything?

Thanks again,
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Apr 29, 2006
Hi, I am not sure -but confiscation is usually the done thing-not sure about fines. The point is there are govt websites that you can check. I think the thing is, leave it if you are worried. We had a few Buddah statues and some art work that I "erred" on-I thought due to religious and cultural reasons these objects- although art may be of concern so we left them at home.Having said that I think it wouldn't have mattered.
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dvds and alcohol Apr 29, 2006
I don't think you will have a problem.

I've brought in 40 + DVDs Hollywood type Films from Thailand without being questioned.

Re Alcohol Bring in your full legal allowance 4 bottles per adult if you don't it cost you a lot more here and you will regret it later.
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Apr 29, 2006
I brought some videos in a shipment of personal goods when I moved here. The customs department took them away to examine and I got them all back a couple of weeks later. I don't think there was anything dodgy in them.

I've had DVDs posted to me from and so on. Most of the time they just arrive. Once I had to go to customs and waited 10 mins while they looked at it.

When arriving from overseas trips with DVDs and videos in my luggage, I've never been stopped. But then I've never had anything obviously dodgy. Probably one or two that would be censored here if in movie theatres.

When you rent DVDs here, they're uncut and occasionally there's unexpected extra fleshy bits so I guess the authorities are relatively tolerant.
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Apr 29, 2006
Cost of alcohol expensive?? Nah, I don't think so. Cost of alcohol in pubs etc though IS expensive.
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