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Loonwatch Jun 19, 2010
Loon is a term that is now being used more and more to describe the actions of Islamophobes and their 'beliefs'. There is a website dedicated to exposing loons:

Loonwatch.com is a blogzine run by a motley group of hate-allergic bloggers to monitor and expose the web’s plethora of anti-Muslim loons, wackos, and conspiracy theorists.

While we find the sheer stupidity and outrageousness of the loons to be a source of invaluable comedy, we also recognize the seriousness of the danger they represent as dedicated hatemongers. And so, while our style reflects our bemusement, our content is fact checked and our sources well vetted making sure loonwatch.com is a reliable educational – if entertaining – resource on the rambunctious underworld of Muslim-bashing.


Loon noun

1. a worthless lazy fellow
2. a person with confused ideas; incapable of serious thought [syn: addle-head]
3. large somewhat primitive fish-eating diving bird of the northern hemisphere having webbed feet placed far back; related to the grebes
Source: WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

And so, grab a cup of coffee and join us, won’t you, as we expose the trials and travails of the hatemongers in our midst: loons in the mist.


Well worth an occasional read, and I will continue to link/post the more interesting articles.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Loonwatch Jun 20, 2010
Yes, it's a good website for people with similar viewpoints to pat each other on the back.

It's a bit toxic to anyone else who can't breathe in that echo chamber.

But I like how Danios, et al, are big on censorship. If you don't agree with their viewpoint, don't expect to find your post approved (or also for your comment to be met with the required "Islamophobe!" from none other than the authors who post their screed on that site).

It would be interesting if there was a loon-loonwatch.

But I guess most normal people have better things to do than to shadow what someone on the internet has to say.

event horizon
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Re: Loonwatch Jun 20, 2010
Thanks eh, your post is a great example of how loons think and react to facts.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Loonwatch Aug 29, 2010
Mel reminded me today that 'loons' feature prominently in recent posts. So here's a reminder of what the term signifies - i.e. that it is a convenient shortcut for irrational Islamophobes who aren't interested in the truth - not to be confused with those wishing to validly question religion in general or Islam in particular.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Loonwatch Aug 29, 2010
shafique wrote:Mel reminded me today that 'loons' feature prominently in recent posts. So here's a reminder of what the term signifies - i.e. that it is a convenient shortcut for irrational Islamophobes who aren't interested in the truth - not to be confused with those wishing to validly question religion in general or Islam in particular.

People who claim to know THE TRUTH are ususally very scary people. If they also find that other people's opinions need to be disinfected it smells of demagogy.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Loonwatch Aug 29, 2010
Ah, more irrationality and fantasies rather than debate. I rest my case.

Pointing out lies and fabrications is indeed part of loonwatch - it is hardly a negative to do this, but interesting that this is spun as 'claiming to know the truth'! :shock:

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Loonwatch Aug 30, 2010
Wow! U are making tooo much efforts to show ur religion is not full of hypocrisy , terrorism, barbarian rules, cruelty to women and most important the wish to overcome all the world and make an Islamic universe! Let it go, you know that you cannot change anything here, right?

I mean ur biggest dream is someday FD, event horizon, maybe Robbyg or me would change dramatically and turn to be Muslims!?? Not gonna happen! Give it a rest!
Dubai Forums Knight
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Re: Loonwatch Aug 31, 2010
Thanks for your advice Mel, I'll take it under advisement.

We can agree to disagree over what Islam teaches and I'll always welcome debate.

But there's a clear difference between loons and those wishing to discuss religion.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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