Logic In The Quran

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Re: Logic In The Quran Oct 21, 2011
hervey baby, you should get someone to explain it to you.

But you are clearly now moving on to a new conspiracy theory - that my name is not Shafique and that a clear hoax about child brides and Hamas is actually true.

I see logic plays no part in your Islamophobia.

We're still waiting to read from which loon website you copied the misquote from the Quran from? Why are you embarrassed to tell us this?


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Re: logic in the quran Oct 21, 2011
my quote is from my copy of the quran, not from a website.
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Re: Logic In The Quran Oct 21, 2011
herve wrote:my quote is from my copy of the quran, not from a website.

So you typed it in and missed out a whole verse. Why did you do that?

Why when you typed in the full verses did you had a different translation?

(And which translation do you initally use? )


-- Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:47 pm --

herve - you have been caught in a lie.

here's your quote again for easy reference
shafique wrote:Where did you get your previous quote from then? The wording is different:
herve wrote:Do you verily disbelieve in Him Who created the earth in two Days and you set up rivals (in worship) with Him? That is the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists)�. Then He completed and finished from their creation (as) seven heavens in two Days and He made in each heaven its affair. And We adorned the nearest (lowest) heaven with lamps (stars) to be an adornment as well as to guard (from the devils by using them as missiles against the devils). Such is the Decree of Him the All-Mighty, the All-Knower.

Compare the two and you'll see where you are going wrong (re-read my explanations above) - God is not saying He started the creation of the stars after earth had been completed.

(You should now see why you should check quotes you get from loon websites - they re wrong)

You seem to have got this from this loon website - but forgot to give the reference:
Which one created first the earth or the heaven?
Sura 41:9,12 Say (O Muhammad SAW): "Do you verily disbelieve in Him Who created the earth in two Days and you set up rivals (in worship) with Him? That is the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists)�. Then He completed and finished from their creation (as) seven heavens in two Days and He made in each heaven its affair. And We adorned the nearest (lowest) heaven with lamps (stars) to be an adornment as well as to guard (from the devils by using them as missiles against the devils). Such is the Decree of Him the All-Mighty, the All-Knower.

http://bibleisthebest.com/content.php?m ... ubmenuID=7

It is the same even down to the little ? symbol.

You have been caught in a lie herve. Your quote is copied from a website and not from your Quran.


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Re: logic in the quran Oct 22, 2011
Al shafique , it is utter non sense.
This thread is about inconstitencies in the quran.
The one where muhammad claims that the universe was completed after earth, which is fasle as everybody knows that.
I quoted the quran:
THe verse in question is verses 9 - 12 of chapter 41:

9 Say: Is it that ye deny Him Who created the earth in two Days? And do ye join equals with Him? He is the Lord of (all) the Worlds.

10 He set on the (earth), mountains standing firm, high above it, and bestowed blessings on the earth, and measure therein all things to give them nourishment in due proportion, in four Days, in accordance with (the needs of) those who seek (Sustenance).

11 Moreover He comprehended in His design the sky, and it had been (as) smoke: He said to it and to the earth: "Come ye together, willingly or unwillingly." They said: "We do come (together), in willing obedience."

12 So He completed them as seven firmaments in two Days, and He assigned to each heaven its duty and command. And We adorned the lower heaven with lights, and (provided it) with guard. Such is the Decree of (Him) the Exalted in Might, Full of Knowledge.

not mentionning 11the first time because it was not relevant, I was focusing on the time line.

Every time al shafique loses a debate he goes to lenghty and senseless demonstrations to evade his failure.
These quotes are all over the internet, and taken from the quran.
The point is that the quran says earth was completed after earth which is false, the point is not about the websites that quote the quran or my own copy of the quran, I actually have 2. french and english, but it s all the same crap.
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Re: Logic In The Quran Oct 22, 2011
You were caught out in a lie.

You have no credibility left herve. As suspected, you didn't even bother to look up the fact that the loon website had missed out a whole verse, and you are still insisting that there's a contradicton where none exists.

You were not only embarrassed about the fact you copied it from a loon website - but you lied about it.

You should listen to Bora's advice
Bora Bora wrote:Shut up Herve. .... You constantly have this need to expose yourself for the idiot you are. You can stop now as we have been aware of that fact for longest time.

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Re: logic in the quran Oct 22, 2011
who is bora?

Yes there is a major contradiction, and you know it, once you admit it , I would like to move to the next major contradiction.

By the way , you are the liar, you misquote me. I never said I was certain, i said i hd a strong feeling. I caught you in a lie, so did caps, so did EH, so did FD, so did BM, and i told you first that you had lost credibility. so now you repeat, your avatar should be a parrot.

Your awful persona inspired me in creating a character in my action thriller to be published next month, there is an imam named Shafique, I really invite you to read "The Boston fracture", you are going to love it.
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Re: Logic In The Quran Oct 22, 2011
You were caught out in a lie. Quoting from a loon website and then denying it.

You believe in strange hoaxs and here can't even keep your story straight. You've been busted herve - the only way you could manufacture an issue with the Quran was to misquote the Quran and then lie about it.

Listen to Bora. You should stick to writing fiction, you're no good with facts.

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Re: logic in the quran Oct 22, 2011
Why dont you try to publish something , then may be you can talk. In the mean time , you are nothing, and everybody here toys with you, and you don't even see it. :lol:
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Re: Logic In The Quran Oct 22, 2011
I've published something.

In this little cat and mouse game, you are the big loser herve, and you don't even see it!
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Re: logic in the quran Oct 22, 2011
Where can we found your book kanelli. what is it about?
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Re: Logic In The Quran Oct 22, 2011
Hey herve, you're losing it completely now. You were caught out in a lie and now you're assuming I've never published any work. You may be right. You may be wrong. But in either case - you were caught out in a lie here and once again are basing your mistaken views on a lie.

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Re: logic in the quran Oct 22, 2011
herve wrote:By the way , you are the liar, you misquote me. I never said I was certain, i said i hd a strong feeling. I caught you in a lie, so did caps, so did EH, so did FD, so did BM, and i told you first that you had lost credibility. so now you repeat, your avatar should be a parrot.

Yes, goons can only repeat, there is no originality. Their reasoning skills are near zero. They intimidate, lie, cheat, distort etc. Just like dictators do.
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Re: Logic In The Quran Oct 22, 2011
kanelli wrote:I've published something.

In this little cat and mouse game, you are the big loser herve, and you don't even see it!

No way! :shock: Really? Gosh you're feeling mighty proud this morning Kanelli, your masters degree has got a mention too, i see. :D

Herve's got a new book out soon too. I believe a charachter in it has been named after your super hero Shafique.

I can't wait
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Logic In The Quran Oct 22, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Herve's got a new book out soon too. I believe a charachter in it has been named after your super hero Shafique.

I can't wait
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Is character Shafique a caricature of himself, who can only repeat his talk of loon and facts:

shafique wrote:loons are allergic to facts

shafique wrote:you're no good with facts

shafique wrote:you're no good with facts

shafique wrote:are you just allergic to facts?

shafique wrote:loons can't argue using facts

shafique wrote:if you want to believe the 'perception' rather than the facts

shafique wrote:Don't let facts get in the way of the exposure of loons

shafique wrote:facts and not loon fantasies
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Re: Logic In The Quran Oct 22, 2011
I'm sure you missed some quotes FD.

Herve will appreciate the attempt to draw attention away from his outright lie he's been caught in. But then again, you're not a stranger to making up statistics and misquoting texts either - are you now. Do you guys go on courses to learn how to do that?

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Re: logic in the quran Oct 22, 2011
I think they just learn from the master.
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Re: Logic In The Quran Oct 22, 2011
Who is the master loon that teaches the disciples to misquote and invent stats?

Does he charge a lot? Herve needs a refresher course.

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Re: Logic In The Quran Oct 22, 2011
No matter how you try to discredit Herve, he served his country, he put his life on the line. You did nothing for your Great of Britain, except when it serves your own. Herve served his country, you are using GB. You will never be anything like him. You are a coward.
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Re: Logic In The Quran Oct 22, 2011
Well, FD, if you haven't served in the Dutch army or secret service and put your life on the line, all you did was hold down a job, pay taxes, and look after your family, aren't you the same as Shaf? If you are living outside of the Netherlands, are you also using your country too? What makes Shaf a coward while you aren't?

Herve has many good points I'm sure, but when it comes to his bias towards Islam and his lack of logic and lack of balanced analysis, it is pretty disappointing.
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Re: Logic In The Quran Oct 22, 2011
Your 'balanced analysis' is based solely on if's and assumptions in your above post. And you then go on as if your if's are true. Completely useless. If my aunt had balls, she would be my uncle. So she could be my uncle.
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Re: Logic In The Quran Oct 22, 2011
Hey, I'm happy to judge herve on his merits. My observations above are based on his posts - he lied, was caught out in a lie and is unrepentant. The nature of the lie was to cover up his loon website source.

As I said, this pattern is similar to other loon posts and he's not very good at it.

I totally concede that I haven't escaped from dubai in a Burqa etc.. but why should that excuse Islamophobia and intellectual deceit?

At least now he's a fiction writer he can put his imagination to better use. But you fellow loons are quite cruel - you're letting him continue to believe that the internet hoax was real. Help your friend out.. really!

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Re: logic in the quran Oct 23, 2011
You repeat, you repeat, like a parrot, because you are desperate.
It was no hoax, it was real, muslims DO marry little girls:
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Re: Logic In The Quran Oct 23, 2011
Note that in this thread you were caught out in a lie. You quoted from a loon website and then tried to hide this fact by telling a lie.

Quite separately, you want to believe this internet hoax. You have to be quite desperate to want to believe this hoax is real.

The best response was on a site run by a Debbie Schlussel . The guy who posted it said he wasn't interested in the detail. The detail being the fact that the girls weren't the brides.

It showed how much some people want to believe nonsense like this, as it re-inforces their prejudices, always a comfortably fun thing to do. But Hamas, and the jihadists do enough terrible things without having to make things up about them. Most of the stuff I read was outright, unthinking, gleeful, Islamophobia from people who clearly knew nothing about Arab popular culture. It's as is they really beleive that because there are examples of child brides, it means all weddings are with child brides.


Only others who share your delusions on this hoax think you have credibility.

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Re: Logic In The Quran Oct 23, 2011
Exactly. Look how silent the anti-Islam crew have been. They'd rather spend their time personally insulting us than discussing the actual subject and admitting that this example that herve gave is a hoax.

FD, what does herve's supposed bravery or heroism in his past career have to do with the fact the he often posts horribly biased and false anti-Islam bullcrap on this forum? And don't even criticize my supposed lack of balanced discussion when all someone has to do is post anti-Islamic propaganda and all the anti-Islamic crew on this forum believe it. Heaven forbid someone actually think that something may not be true and look into it further before jumping on the bandwagon.
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Re: logic in the quran Oct 23, 2011
Who's us?

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Re: logic in the quran Oct 23, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Who's us?


Yeah, also notice how poster Shafique uses the 'we' quite often.
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