Berrin, 'photographic' memory is more of a euphemism that means being able to retain all information that enters the brain into long term memory.
I suppose that's why it is currently referred to as eidetic memory since 'photographic' may be misleading to some. the prophet was illiterate we can only estimate that angel gabriel's method was focusing on the phonetic memory as the arabic language was his only strength to work on..
I'm curious what Muslim tradition says about that. I understand Gabriel's visists are where he manifests from nowhere, transmists a message to Muhammad and exits this dimension.
Do you believe it's possible or likely that during his visits, Gabriel repeated his messages to Muhammad enough times for Muhammad to absorb the material, enabling Muhammad to recall it with perfect accuracy anywhere from a minute to an hour later to be recorded by someone else?
Mahmoud04 wrote:so, Did Moses speak with GOD, split the sea, convert a stick to a snake, etc...?
were Jesus able to do all this ?
Did Ibrahim survive from the fire?
Did Soliman speake the animals language?
Did Younis stay in the stomach of the whale?
Did Marry born Jesus without being touched?
coz all researches done in the past 798403 years proved that can't happen
Of course, if Muslims believe these were miracles, then Muhammad would not need a photographic memory or for angel Gabriel to rehearse with Muhammad for, perhaps, half an hour or longer, during each visitation to ensure Muhammad processed all the information he received.
But I was asking for explanations from people who do not believe Muhammad's recall ability to have been miraculous. I don't have a problem with Muslims if they believe this was miraculous, but I think Muslims who do not believe in a miraculous explanation need to explain how Muhammad was able to recite what he heard, ranging from a few sentences to entire paragraphs, from short term memory.