BM - glad you join me and FD in condemning the desecration of the war graves. Good on you.
Sure, for the record, I condemn the killing of the British gentleman by the British youth, that goes without question - just like I condemned the killing of the 3 British guys in Birmingham (as you did too). (As an aside.. I guess by now you've revised your original beliefs that it was mostly non-white British people rioting now the facts of those arrested and wanted are in).
For good measure, I also condemn the killing of any Jewish/Israeli/Palestinian/American/etc non-combatant/civilian/innocent/person - and don't make any qualifications for any murder.
I remember you and others celebrating a murder by Mossad in Dubai, and others justifying war crimes. I don't justify murders or war crimes.
FD imagines that I don't condemn the killing of Jewish/Israeli civilians. Empty words from FD indeed - always an innuendo rather than a direct, full quote.