Muslims Of France

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Re: Muslims of France Dec 31, 2011
The fact remains that eh is the only one here (unless FD/BM want to join him) who has justified the killing of women and babies

Funny, I thought the Muslim members here calling for the killing of Jews would fall into this category.

Do they or not?

On the other hand, your logic is telling me that if I support one incident because I call it an act of God that must mean I support all incidents I call an act of God.

Please tell me how you would know in the future if I support something if I call it an act of God?

Yes, that's brilliant logic. I can see why RC thought you were ingenious.

Btw, do you want to condemn Muhammad's rejoicing the death of non-Muslims?

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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 01, 2012
Eh - please stop wriggling.

You are the only poster here who has come out and justified the killing of women and children, including babies, and the enslavement of virgins. Even Al Qaeda are not as extreme as you. No poster has come out and said - 'God ordered men to kill babies and enslave virgins - and this is therefore an act of God'.


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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 01, 2012
shafique wrote:(As an aside.. I guess by now you've revised your original beliefs that it was mostly non-white British people rioting now the facts of those arrested and wanted are in).

I guess I'll have to live with the fact that you aren't going to address the findings of my research that 90 out of first 100 faces on the UglyMug website are black 'uns.

I don't know why you bothered bringing it up in the first place! :(
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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 01, 2012
^ You guessed right! Well done. :D


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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 01, 2012
It didn't take a detective to work it out.

Just ignore what you don't like.
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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 01, 2012
Don't put yourself down BM - you rightly worked out that I had no intention of commenting on uglymugs or whatever you were on about...


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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 01, 2012
shafique wrote: you rightly worked out that I had no intention of commenting on uglymugs or whatever you were on about...

Then why bring the recent London riots into it Sunshine?

You are obviously shocked and stunned that 90 out of the first 100 feral youths I counted had black faces.

I suggest you do the research next time to ensure the outcome is how you would wish it to be.

I think It's called 'shooting yourself in the foot'.

Don't fret, I'm not laughing at you, it's with you.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 01, 2012
^So you still believe you were right? Interesting.

If you don't want to be confused over the facts, don't click on the link below - others may wish to do so and see whether your views at the time were borne out in reality. ... sentencing

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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 01, 2012
All I see in your link is that nation-wide whites are a minority of those appearing before court.
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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 01, 2012
Who's confused? I'm looking at the uglymug shots that the Met Police have provided. Surely there can't be anything more credible than that.

I invite you to click on the link I have provided and tell me that 9 out of 10 still wanted aren't (varying shades of) black.
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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 01, 2012
^Perhaps FD can help you with your belief that 90% of the rioters were black.

The link I gave had the % of white, black and asian rioters.


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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 01, 2012
shafique wrote:Perhaps FD can help you with your belief that 90% of the rioters were black.

Perhaps, for once, you can try to be a man instead of a man-child and formulate your own arguments without hiding behind others.
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Re: Muslims of France Jan 01, 2012
You are the only poster here who has come out and justified the killing of women and children, including babies, and the enslavement of virgins.

Hold on a minute. Muslim members on this forum who have called for the killing of all Jews don't justify killing babies?

Do you consider Jews human or are they the "lowest of created beings" - something like bacteria that needs disinfecting?

As I can see, you can't address my response to your "logic":

On the other hand, your logic is telling me that if I support one incident because I call it an act of God that must mean I support all incidents I call an act of God.

If I support the death of people because I call it an act of God in one instance, does that therefore mean everything else I term an act of God is something I support?

Please explain.
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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 02, 2012
Yes, eh - you are the only poster here who has justifed the actual killing of babies and women, and the enslavement of virgins. This makes you the most extreme religious fanatic posting here - because you justify these killings and enslavements as 'God told the Israelites to do it'.

If there is a Muslim poster here who shares your extreme view and has posted a similar justification for the slaughter of women and children , then please produce the quote. If you do, then at least you will have one other person who shares your view.

My views about Jews are quite clear - I don't consider them sub-human at all and don't justify any human being being slaughtered in cold blood. All humans are equal in my eyes, and all should be judged according to their spiritual actions by God alone, and by their actions on earth by the responsible authorities (police, courts etc).

Rabbi Boteach speaks a lot of sense, for example - and I have a lot of respect for him even though I may disagree on theological issues with him:

BM - do you still believe that 90% of the rioters were black?

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Re: Muslims of France Jan 02, 2012
Yes, eh - you are the only poster here who has justifed the actual killing of babies and women, and the enslavement of virgins.

Please explain to me how those Muslim posters calling for the mass killing of Jews aren't justifying the killing of babies and women?

How does that work out?

Oh, and where did I justify the killing of babies and women and enslavement of virgins?

Or about your justification of killing unarmed villagers and enslaving women and children?

You're the only one on this forum to justify that. So to me that makes you the most extreme religious fanatic on this forum.

Not even al-Qaeda owns, sells and enslaves human beings as Muhammad did.

If there is a Muslim poster here who shares your extreme view and has posted a similar justification for the slaughter of women and children

Right after you find the quote of me "justifying" slavery.

I don't consider them sub-human at all and don't justify

So you part ways with what the Koran says?
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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 02, 2012
shafique wrote:BTW:
BM - do you still believe that 90% of the rioters were black?

You need to buy a big hat for that big head of yours or try staying out of the sun, as you are now hallucinating.
Where did I say that 90% of the rioters were black?

What I did say was that of the mugshots provided by the Met Police, and I did provide you with the link, 90% of the first 100 had black faces.

That is not the same as saying 90% of the rioters were black.

Back to school for some English comprehension lessons for you, Sunshine!
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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 02, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:Back to school for some English comprehension lessons for you

I think its more sinister than that:

Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse in which false information is presented with the intent of making a victim doubt his or her own memory and perception. It may simply be the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred, or it could be the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim.

Psychologist Martha Stout states that sociopaths frequently use gaslighting tactics. Sociopaths consistently transgress social mores, break laws, and exploit others, but are also typically charming and convincing liars who consistently deny wrongdoing. Thus, some who have been victimized by sociopaths may doubt their perceptions.

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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 02, 2012
It seems reading comprehension is another common complaint against shafique.
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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 03, 2012
shafique wrote:Yes, eh - you are the only poster here who has justifed the actual killing of babies and women, and the enslavement of virgins. This makes you the most extreme religious fanatic posting here - because you justify these killings and enslavements as 'God told the Israelites to do it'.

eh, I really am amazed that you are still trying to convince readers that Muslims posters on this forum share your extremist views. Why don't you actually post the quotes where people justify the killings of babies etc?

BM - now that you've seen the statistics on the racial make up of the rioters - do you agree you over stated the % of blacks involved in the riots? BTW - did you count the numbers of blacks, or the numbers of white faces in the 'first hundred'? What was the actual figure?

Which do you think is more reliable - the official police figures or your 'I guess he looks black' guess?

FD - you seem to have a different diagnosis each week. Interesting obsession you have there... how many failings do you imagine the average Muslim poster to have? ;)


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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 03, 2012
shafique wrote:FD - you seem to have a different diagnosis each

It's called co-morbidity.
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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 03, 2012
It looks like a unhealthy obsession and a large dose of sour grapes from what I'm reading.. but I guess you'll have a diagnosis for this view too. ;)


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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 03, 2012
shafique wrote:you'll have a diagnosis for this view too.

Sure: passive aggressive schmuck
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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 03, 2012
:D you never fail to disapoint FD - did you get a book of diagnoses for Christmas? :D

Cheer up FD - life is too short to around bearing grudges like this. ;)

(BTW - I'm losing track of all the mental illnesses you imagine I suffer from. Could you compile a list for us to examine.. or have you also forgotten?)

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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 03, 2012
shafique wrote:Could you compile a list for us to examine

A selfs-delusion manipulative passive-aggressive asperger sufferer with strong narcissistic and sociopathic traits. You can print it out and take it to the shrink. :-)
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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 03, 2012
shafique wrote:BM - now that you've seen the statistics on the racial make up of the rioters - do you agree you over stated the % of blacks involved in the riots? BTW - did you count the numbers of blacks, or the numbers of white faces in the 'first hundred'? What was the actual figure?

I didn't over state the % of blacks involved in the riots as I never stated a number in the first place.


I pointed you directly to the site where I conducted my research. Are we now agreeing to disagree on who has a black face? I did say they were verying colours of black.
BTW the criterea I use to reach the fact that they are black, is that they aren't white (if that helps you any)
If you are unsure how I counted, I started at one and stopped at 100.

--- 1 seconds ago ---

Flying Dutchman wrote:A selfs-delusion manipulative passive-aggressive asperger sufferer with strong narcissistic and sociopathic traits. You can print it out and take it to the shrink

That makes my bad back look a bit feeble.
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Re: Muslims Of France Jan 03, 2012
Thanks FD - when you have a new disease to add to the list let me know! ;)

BM - it was a simple enough question, what was the actual number of black people you counted out of the 100?

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