For 'rayznak': Supporting Terrorism?

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For 'rayznak': Supporting Terrorism? Jul 01, 2012
Since eh is still visiting and trolling threads and attempting to smear people, I thought I'd repost a thread with a question that eh/rayznack has refused to answer a few times now:

The FBI, and most decent people, categorise the Christians in America who blow up doctors and nurses (and clinics) who carry out abortions as terrorists. Indeed, these 'domestic terrorists' carry out more attacks than 'jihadist' terrorists.

These terrorists use religion as their reason for killing and blowing up buildings. Many Christians are abhored by this misuse of their religion (as they see it). This is completely analagous to how the Muslims view the fewer 'jihadist' attacks in America.

However, it appears that eh can't bring himself to denounce his fellow American Christians who choose terrorism and use the Bible to justify these attacks. He is therefore, until he says otherwise, a supporter of religiously motivated terrorism when it is his fellow American Christians who are carrying out these acts.

Note that he is the one who invited this direct comparison. I, by contrast, condemn each and every instance of terrorism, regardless of what reason the terrorists give:

rayznack as eh wrote:Happy to compare my stated religious views with shafique's stated religious views.

When I called his bluff:

can you join me in condemning the war crimes described in the Bible carried out by the Israelites - where children and women are slaughtered and virgins enslaved? Condemn this as a war crime?

Simple enough question. Why the filibustering?

A related question that was also raised in the past is his views of the American Christians who kill doctors and nurses who perform abortions. Is his religious view that these Christians have sinned and are going to hell, or does he agree with them that they are doing God's work? My view is that any terrorist - Muslim or Christian, suicide or otherwise, who kills children, women etc - are sinning and will go to hell (and that the act is against Islam - and specifically, any Muslim suicide bomber targetting Israeli civilians - regardless of whether the terrorist says they are soldiers in civilian clothes - is committing a sin and acting against Islam)

Is rayznack's religious view that the Christian terrorists blowing up doctors are as guilty of sin as the Muslim suicide bombers - and does he join me in condemning both equally?


Note that eh ran away from this question when first posed to him:

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: For 'rayznak': Supporting Terrorism? Jul 01, 2012
I do find extremists projecting their hatred and view of the world on to others quite interesting.

rayznack is an American Christian who hypes any crime that any Muslim criminal may commit, but condones extremist Christian views - such as those in the OP who share his view on abortions.

If you are not interested in this topic, I suggest you refrain from visiting it again. But thanks for your comment - let's see whether rayznack/eh ever explains his extremist view.


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Re: For 'rayznak': Supporting Terrorism? Jul 01, 2012
European wrote:You should be grateful

I am..
shafique wrote:But thanks for your comment - let's see whether rayznack/eh ever explains his extremist view.

But let me thank you again. ;)

I too have noticed how eh expects his posts to be answered, and runs away from this one (which is, after all, only an imitation of his thread titles)

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Re: For 'rayznak': Supporting Terrorism? Jul 01, 2012
Shaf, do you really care what the sad banned gang thinks of you? I certainly don't care about a single one of their opinions. There is nothing to prove to loser internet trolls who just want to get a reaction out of you because its their only way to have a laugh in their sad and bitter lives.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: For 'rayznak': Supporting Terrorism? Jul 01, 2012
I did find the repeated attempts at smears initially amusing but now its tiring. This thread is however on a serious point about the sole poster here who refuses to condemn terrorists - and in this case it appears solely because the terrorists happen to be fellow American Christians.

It's about eh, not me.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: For 'rayznak': Supporting Terrorism? Jul 01, 2012
EH never has and never will admit to it. You can't squeeze blood from a stone. ;)
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: For 'rayznak': Supporting Terrorism? Jul 01, 2012
Thank you for your view, admitted info-miner.

Maybe you can ask shafique when he changed his views on Judaism - previously claiming Judaism is inherently segregationist and generalizing the views of some Jews on to Judaism.

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Re: For 'rayznak': Supporting Terrorism? Jul 01, 2012
kanelli wrote:EH never has and never will admit to it. You can't squeeze blood from a stone. ;)

Looks like you are right.

Just name calling and whataboutery is all he has to say about his fellow American Christians who commit terror in the name of religion.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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