County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK???

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
shafique wrote:^Don't let facts get in the way of your prejudices and preconceptions, will you BM. Your head may hurt.

Bakri was not your fellow Englishman. Unfortunately Anjem is. We, as in English/UK citizens via the UK government, could legitimately deport the former, but can't the latter. Capisce?


My head feels fine thanks. What prejudices? That someone living in Mauritius with a long straggly beard, who is anti white and anti semitic, claims to be British because he has a British passport, which we give away with coupons from the back of cereal boxes?

You will never be recognised as an Englishman by the people who count, and that's the English.

What exactly is the problem with being Mauritian?

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
You're saying I should deny my birth right?

That, dear misguided old lady, is not something an Englishman would do. (But as you asked, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being Mauritian as well.)

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
shafique wrote:You're saying I should deny my birth right?

That, dear misguided old lady, is not something an Englishman would do. (But as you asked, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being Mauritian as well.)


What birth right? That your mother happened to be in England at the time? Well that makes me the mother of a Cypriot and a German if we I played by your rules. My kids are English through and through and would never claim to be anything else.
The Emiratis have it about right, you aren't Emirati unless you are Emirati. That's the way proper English people think about being English anyway.
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
shafique wrote:You're saying I should deny my birth right?

That, dear misguided old lady, is not something an Englishman would do. (But as you asked, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being Mauritian as well.)


For some reason I thought you were born in Mauritius
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
^Nope - my parents were though (back when it was a British Colony). Both parents were in the UK since they were teenagers and are naturalised British citizens. I was born and raised in London.

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
It pretty petty that you have to keep on proving over and over again that you're English to these fools, but ofcourse anybody not white and christian is to them.
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
An Englishman just laughs at the folly of fools. ;)

Laughter is good though. :D

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
shafique wrote:^Nope - my parents were though (back when it was a British Colony). Both parents were in the UK since they were teenagers and are naturalised British citizens. I was born and raised in London.


For some reasons I thought you were holding a Muslim passport, you don't actually show your love for the Queen and the UK
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
Muslim passport? huh?

gertrude - you're weird.

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
gertrude wrote:
shafique wrote:^Nope - my parents were though (back when it was a British Colony). Both parents were in the UK since they were teenagers and are naturalised British citizens. I was born and raised in London.


For some reasons I thought you were holding a Muslim passport, you don't actually show your love for the Queen and the UK

So it's not only me that's noticed Gertrude!
Shafique thinks he's a cut above the rest of us for some reason. Refering to the white feral underclass and the amount of white English girls who are pregnant in their teenage years.
It really makes my blood boil the way we give these immigrants a leg up and they repay us by bad mothing us.
The damn cheek of the little man!
He doesn't even have the good grace to thank us.

-- Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:25 pm --

desertdudeshj wrote:It pretty petty that you have to keep on proving over and over again that you're English to these fools, but ofcourse anybody not white and christian is to them.

Well I hope you have better manners when you suceed in worming your way in somewhere munchkin!
Seeing as your Farsi is so good you might like to consider Iran :D
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
shafique wrote:Muslim passport? huh?

gertrude - you're weird.



-- Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:53 pm --

shafique wrote:Ah, Anjem - our cuddly nutter - always good for a laugh. The US have the Westboro loons, we have to put up with old Anjem.

I see he is at it again.
As Hasan says 'Please don't listen to Anjem Choudary: He has no Islamic qualifications or credentials'

Or at least, don't take him seriously. Laugh at the nutter.


Are you saying that you are against any application of SHARIA in UK laws? or are you against just this scum
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate in the UK??? Jul 30, 2011
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 30, 2011
Veggie: I'm not against the current UK system which allows Jewish family courts and Muslim family courts. I'm therefore agreeing with the Archbishop of Cantebury on this issue.

As for Anjem - I don't agree with this particular English nutter, and there are many other English nutters that I similarly disagree with - eg the EDL, BNP and other extremists.

I'm not aware of any real Muslim cleric in the UK (remember nutter Anjem has NO credentials - which makes him just like event horizon when it comes to pronouncements on Islam) calling for all of the UK being subject to Wahabbi interpretations of Sharia law. If you produce any, I'll denounce them too. Can't be fairer than that.

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate in the UK??? Jul 30, 2011
So, al shafique is in favor of sharia law in the UK, I kind of knew that, family law for starter, where women have less rights than men. Do you remember what i said before, these moozlims, sneak in, get a passport, then work to change the laws of their host country to adapt them to their standards.
So I am sure he is against the Bill introduced last June by Lady Cox to ban Islamic courts from dealing with family and criminal law ... -from.html

Several times, this fraud, this impostor called me a coward, well HE is the coward, I am public figure, when I write it s under my name, not hiding behind an avatar, people have seen me.
Why al shafique does not show himself, give his real name, his picture to see how courageous he is. I know who he is, but I can't say it here, I d be banned.
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 30, 2011
LOL hervey boy is not happy.

Just because you WANT to believe I am lying doesn't make it so.

As I said, I'm not aware of any real cleric calling for Sharia to apply to the UK for everyone. Only unqualified nutters such as Anjem, event horizon and your good self seem to be convinced Muslims want this. :roll:

herve - Bora has already pointed out that you lied in your book. We know you wore women's clothes to illegally exit the UAE. But that is not why I called you a coward. It was for your posts here - specifically:

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate in the UK??? Jul 30, 2011
I am still waiting for Bora to point out a lie. You should read my book, I am sure you can find out without her, but living out free coupons in the UK I doubt you can afford $10 for a kindle download.
Anyways I did nothing illegal, It is called self defense, I was prosecuted illegally, and threatened to be tortured, I know it is routine in muslim countries but it is illegal in the civilised world. You do nothing illegal when you do it against a corrupt system or to protect yourself.
it is even in the UAE law
article 64 of the federal penal code stipulates that a suspect who is coerced or provoked, physically or emotionally , to commit an offense should not be held liable.
That was my case, i was coerced and threatened, i escaped.
Then I was wrongfully convicted in Dubai, as the US Federal Court rejected ALL accusations against me and cleared my name.
And by the way on the accusations that Dubai brought to the US, there was none for illegal escape. :lol: :lol:
It was not the 1 st time i dressed in arabic woman, in the eighties , some mooslims fanatics in pakistan were about to hijack an Air France plane, the only way me and my partner could approach the marks was in woman disguise, you can call it cowardise if you want, tell that to the passengers of that plane who are alive today because i did it. YOU are the coward, you accuse me hiding your name. I know your species, you would hide in a dumpster and leave your wife alone be mugged in alley. I know what i am talking about i have seen it.
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 30, 2011
shafique wrote:Why are running away and hiding my French pal. I asked whether you knew more than the Israeli military man who called the Yeshiva a centre for Jewish Terror.

Did you answer the question, are you still cowardly running away from it?

Your rant's won't hide your cowardice. But please stop spamming threads with your fantasies.

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 30, 2011
shafique wrote:
shafique wrote:Why are running away and hiding my French pal. I asked whether you knew more than the Israeli military man who called the Yeshiva a centre for Jewish Terror.

Did you answer the question, are you still cowardly running away from it?

Your rant's won't hide your cowardice. But please stop spamming threads with your fantasies.


What question, you made up that fact, show me an official listing that shows the yeshiva is a terrorist group and I will respond. if you got that from an article or some rumor that is not official. I could not find it anywhere, did you find in Europol stats. you mention them all the time to support your flawed statisitcs, how come you dont mention europol for the yeshiva

You did not respond , do you support the Bill introduced last June by Lady Cox to ban Islamic courts from dealing with family and criminal law ? ... -from.html
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 30, 2011
My question was quite simple.

Why are running away and hiding my French pal. I asked whether you knew more than the Israeli military man who called the Yeshiva a centre for Jewish Terror.

Trying to answer a different question is just another manifestation of cowardice.


-- Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:29 am --

PS - herve, I said:
shafique wrote:Veggie: I'm not against the current UK system which allows Jewish family courts and Muslim family courts. I'm therefore agreeing with the Archbishop of Cantebury on this issue.

Therefore I'm in favour of the Jewish and Muslim courts and will not support any bill that bans them. Simple - not running away from the question. I am with the Archbishop of Cantebury and other politicians on this point.

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate in the UK??? Jul 30, 2011
Like I said , you are in favor of Sharia law in the UK

I can't respond , I know nothing about the isreali military man, and whatever he says is not supported by any official listing on terrorist organization, simple.
Show me some relevant list, and i will comment
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate in the UK??? Jul 30, 2011
It's no business of yours what Courts there are in the UK Shafique, you aren't English and you don't live in England. You should concentrate on your own country, Mauritius.
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 30, 2011
LOL - the rants of the loony brigade are funny.

Herve - still running away from the question. What's the matter - do you think it will hurt you if you give your views? I didn't ask you about any list etc - just whether you thought you knew more than the man on the ground - the Israeli Military person quoted. Sigh.

I guess you guys prefer to believe in your fantasies than face reality.

BM - it really must irritate you so much that I have a different colour skin and religion, and yet and am an Englishman. I'm a voter, tax payer and own properties in England - I think that gives me every right to comment on our courts.

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate in the UK??? Jul 30, 2011
it really must irritate you so much that I have a different colour skin and religion, and yet and am an Englishman. I'm a voter, tax payer and own properties in England - I think that gives me every right to comment on our courts.

Yes, irritation is the word, you're like that itch I just can't scratch in public.
You're not an Englishman and never will be.
I own property and pay whatever taxes are due in Dubai, that doesn't make me an Emirati, so I don't comment on their judicial system.
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 30, 2011
Frankly dear, I don't give a ... , what your belief about me is. Wishes won't change reality - nor your funny, false analogies.

The Queen happens to be married to a Greek and have come from German immigrants, but she's still English to me. (See, that's how you make an appropriate analogy - perhaps you need to go on an advanced English language course at my, as a taxpayer, cost? ;) )

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 30, 2011
Won't help, like I said earlier you can't fix stupid.
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 30, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Won't help, like I said earlier you can't fix stupid.

Woooaaaa, munchkin to the rescue!!! How are you sweetie? Here's a big hug from Aunty BM :D

-- Sat Jul 30, 2011 4:03 pm --

shafique wrote:Frankly dear, I don't give a ... , what your belief about me is. Wishes won't change reality - nor your funny, false analogies.

The Queen happens to be married to a Greek and have come from German immigrants, but she's still English to me. (See, that's how you make an appropriate analogy - perhaps you need to go on an advanced English language course at my, as a taxpayer, cost? ;) )


Ooooops! :idea: Shafique is losing his cool :lol: :lol: :lol:
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