$42M Spent To Spread Islamophobia

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$42M spent to spread Islamophobia Aug 27, 2011
a new report by the "center of American progress" shows that after the 9/11 six major organisation were involved to help spread anti Muslim-Islam rhetoric for Islamophobia..

Donors Capital Fund: $20,768,600
Richard Scaifefoundations: $7,875,000
Lynde and HarryBradley Foundation: $5,370,000
Russell Berrie Foundation: $2,818,229
Fairbook Foundation: $1,498,450
Newton and Rochelle Becker foundations: $1,136,000

Total: $42,575,295

http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/ ... hobia.html

http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/ ... phobia.pdf

I think this report just sums up all the dilemma muslims had to go through with loons. quite rightly..
Including the ones on this forum. :lol:


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Re: $42M Spent To Spread Islamophobia Aug 27, 2011
And still, the likes of Bob Spencer (Guru Bob) still find themselves having to admit:

Colmes: Robert, excuse me, is there anything positive about Islam you could say?

Spencer: Islam makes a lot of people be very moral and upright and live fine lives.

Colmes: That’s good right? And wouldn’t that be true of most Muslims?

Spencer: I would certainly say so, yeah, I never have denied it.


Guru Bob makes a tidy sum from his ill-informed loon attacks:

He makes $132,537 from blogging on JihadWatch, courtesy of the David Horowitz “Freedom Center.” That doesn’t include all the money he makes from advertisements, speaking engagements and book deals.

http://www.loonwatch.com/2010/08/robert ... n-on-hate/

And David Horowitz is a character himself:
http://spencerwatch.com/about-david-hor ... cers-boss/

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Re: $42M spent to spread Islamophobia Aug 27, 2011
Oh no, watch out for the 'Islamophobic' boogeymen. :D

I guess it speaks volumes that Robert Spencer et al are enemy number one for Muslims rather than the violent/supremacist Muslims Robert Spencer reports on.

Kind of explains why Islamic radicalism is so deeply entrenched in the Muslim world, doesn't it?

Robert Spencer's reply:

“Fear, Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America,” from the Center for American Progress is just the latest in an ever-lengthening string of markedly similar “exposés” of so-called “Islamphobes.” Each purports to show that the anti-Sharia movement in America is a sinister cabal of well-funded, dishonest hacks stirring up hate against innocent Muslims in order to profit from it. Each has been highly distorted and markedly unfair, twisting the facts and cooking the data in order not to enlighten but to manipulate, not to educate but to propagandize.

Just in recent months there have been two other reports, both almost identical in substance to “Fear, Inc.”: the far-Left Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Jihad Against Islam” and the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations’ “Same Hate, New Target: Islamophobia and Its Impact in the United States.” Each of these is lavishly produced, printed on glossy paper and full of colorful illustrations. With the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in the midst of a full-scale, years-long campaign at the United Nations to compel the West to criminalize any honest discussion of how Islamic jihadists use the texts and teachings of Islam to recruit and motivate terrorists, it would be useful to know who is funding these slickly produced reports; but, true to form, the mainstream media instead glosses over the radical and genuinely sinister ties of the organizations that produced them, and repeats their agitprop as if it were fact.

But it isn’t. In what follows I must, for reasons of time, limit myself largely to responding to the report’s attacks on me; however, the “Fear, Inc.” attacks on my colleagues and others doing similar work are no more substantive or less manipulative and propagandistic.

The misinformation starts on the first page, when the “Fear, Inc.” authors call me “one of the anti-Muslim misinformation scholars we profile in this report.” The term “anti-Muslim” is immediate evidence of the manipulative, propagandistic nature of this report: my work, and the work of the other scholars and activists demonized in “Fear, Inc.,” has never been against Muslims in the aggregate or any people as such, but rather against an ideology that denies the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, and the equality of rights of all people. In fact, years ago at Jihad Watch I had an exchange with an English convert to Islam. I said: “I would like nothing better than a flowering, a renaissance, in the Muslim world, including full equality of rights for women and non-Muslims in Islamic societies: freedom of conscience, equality in laws regarding legal testimony, equal employment opportunities, etc.” Is all that “anti-Muslim”? My correspondent thought so. He responded: “So, you would like to see us ditch much of our religion and, thereby, become non-Muslims.”

In other words, he saw a call for equality of rights for women and non-Muslims in Islamic societies, including freedom of conscience, equality in laws regarding legal testimony, and equal employment opportunities, as a challenge to his religion. To the extent that they are, these facts have to be confronted by both Muslims and non-Muslims. But it is not “anti-Muslim” to wish freedom of conscience and equality of rights on the Islamic world -- quite the contrary.

The report also contains a – by now obligatory – lengthy excursus on Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik: “While these bloggers and pundits were not responsible for Breivik’s deadly attacks, their writings on Islam and multiculturalism appear to have helped create a world view, held by this lone Norwegian gunman, that sees Islam as at war with the West and the West needing to be defended.” While granting that we are not responsible for Breivik’s acts, the report also takes pains to point out that “Robert Spencer and his blog were cited 162 times in the nearly 1,500-page manifesto of Anders Breivik, the confessed Norway terrorist who claimed responsibility for killing 76 people, mostly youths.” Not surprisingly, it doesn’t mention that I have never sanctioned or justified violence, or that Breivik was plotting violence in the 1990s, before I had published anything about Islam, or that he complained that I was not recommending violence, or that he recommended making common cause with jihadists, which I would never do – indicating that his “manifesto” is actually ideologically incoherent, and not a legitimate counter-jihad document at all. These facts are not mentioned in “Fear, Inc.,” because they would interfere with its propagandistic agenda.

As for the claim that Breivik committed his murders because of the worldview we had created that “sees Islam at war with the West,” “Fear, Inc.” is also silent about the many Muslims who have declared that they are indeed at war with the West, in the name of Islam. Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said: “Have no doubt... Allah willing, Islam will conquer what? It will conquer all the mountain tops of the world.” CAIR cofounder and longtime Board chairman Omar Ahmad said in 1998: “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.” (He now denies saying this, but the original reporter sticks by her story.) The prominent American Muslim leader Siraj Wahhaj said in 2002: “If only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the United States and replace its constitutional government with a caliphate.” The most influential Islamic cleric in the world today, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, has said: “Islam will return to Europe as a conqueror and victor, after being expelled from it twice.”

True to form for these “Islamophobia” reports, “Fear, Inc.” ignores such statements and many others like them, attempting to create the impression that the only ones responsible for the idea that Islam is “at war with the West” are the “Islamophobes.”

Without offering any substantive refutation, “Fear, Inc.” dismisses as “inaccurate and perverse” my statement that Islam is “the only religion in the world that has a developed doctrine, theology and legal system that mandates violence against unbelievers and mandates that Muslims must wage war in order to establish the hegemony of the Islamic social order all over the world.” What is “inaccurate and perverse” is the report’s denial of this, since it is a matter of objective verification that all the mainstream Islamic sects and schools of Islamic jurisprudence do indeed teach that the Islamic umma must wage war against unbelievers and subjugate them under the rule of Islamic law. The report does not and cannot produce any evidence that Islam does not contain sects and schools that teach this.

Most of what “Fear, Inc.” says about me is just name-calling, but it makes an attempt at substance with this: “Spencer’s views on Islam—and his credibility in discussing Islam at all—are challenged by scholars at his own alma mater. He has ‘no academic training in Islamic studies whatsoever,’ according to Islamic scholar Carl W. Ernst, Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies and Director of the Carolina Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Instead, Professor Ernst says Spencer selectively uses textual, religious evidence to mainstream the claim that ‘Islam is not a religion of peace.’ Indeed, Spencer gives misplaced credence to the ‘Sharia threat’ argument that is then mainstreamed by the Islamophobia network.”

Ernst’s dismissal of my work on the basis of my having “no academic training in Islamic studies whatsoever,” besides being false, is completely void of substance: the determination of whether or not one’s work is accurate is not decided by the number of one’s degrees, but by the nature of the work itself. What’s more, Ernst’s claim is especially laughable given the ideological dominance of the far-Left Middle East Studies Association (MESA) among academics in this field today, such that dissenting voices are seldom, if ever, heard. Ernst’s own objectivity, moreover, is in severe doubt after he flew to Tehran in December 2008 to accept an award from Iran’s anti-Semitic, genocide-minded Islamic supremacist President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Another compromised authority that “Fear, Inc.” cites is Charles Johnson, the “Little Green Footballs” blogger who several years ago moved from the right to the hard Left, betraying his former friends and posting vicious and arguably libelous false charges about them. For “Fear, Inc.,” Johnson’s blog is “popular” and “right-leaning,” when in fact it is no longer either one.

“Fear, Inc.” likewise trumpets the 2004 Amman Message as a “Sharia-based condemnation of violence from the world’s leading Islamic authorities.” The report deceptively fails to mention, however, that the Amman Message forbids Muslim-on-Muslim violence based on takfir, or declarations by one Muslim group that another is apostate. The Amman Message’s three points, mentioned in “Fear, Inc.,” do not address violence or non-violent jihad activity against non-Muslims at all, and the Amman Message’s website actually endorses an undefined “legitimate jihad.”

That is indicative of the dishonesty and one-sidedness of this report. The chief indication of that dishonesty is the wildly misleading presentation of financial data – making the sums involved appear much greater than they actually were by lumping together donations given to disparate organizations over a period of many years. When examined closely, the sums involved are actually far lower than those regularly received by Leftist and Islamic supremacist groups such as the ones that have produced the recent “Islamophobia” reports. Hamas-linked CAIR just announced today that it had almost reached its goal of raising $650,000 during Ramadan. I have never received that kind of support for Jihad Watch during any comparable period of time.

An honest presentation about “Islamophobia” would address the American people’s reasonable concern about the continuing series of violent acts committed by Muslims in the name of Islam, and outline ways in which the Muslim community could lessen suspicion against Muslims by cooperating fully and honestly with law enforcement anti-terror activities. But instead, “Fear, Inc.” is designed to portray Muslims as victims and demonize all those who stand in the way of the misogynistic and unjust agenda of the Islamic jihad, whether advanced by violent or non-violent means. As such, it is simply an instrument of that jihad.

UPDATE: Hard-Left pseudo-journalist propagandist Michelle Boorstein of the Washington Post writes a predictably shoddy and biased piece about the report here. It contains absolutely none of the substantive refutation that I posted above, although it links to this point on my name, without alerting readers to the fact that the link on my name would take them to my response to the report. Also, earlier today I sent Boorstein this:

The $42 million figure is wildly misleading. It is an aggregate amount covering many years and many organizations. When are you going to cover the much more substantial funding of hate groups such as Hamas-linked CAIR, the SPLC, etc.?

This is a witch hunt designed to smear and discredit all who dare to speak out against Islamic Sharia-inspired misogyny, denial of the freedom of conscience, etc. Just today I have a story at Jihad Watch about a Muslim apostate whose life was threatened by Islamic supremacists in Norway. Why do you ignore the Westward spread of such Sharia-based thuggery and demonize those who stand for the human rights of such people?

She rendered that as: "Robert Spencer, another subject of the report, said the financial picture it gives is misleading because it lumps together various organizations over time."

Nor does Boorstein's piece contain any of the substantive points that David Horowitz raises here or Pamela Geller here. Boorstein "reports" the already wildly misleading figure of $42 million as "about $50 million."

She has served her masters well, although she does inadvertently reveal the report's true anti-free speech goal of defaming and discrediting freedom fighters: "'This isn’t playing games. We want to end Islamophobia. If we want to do that, we have to identify motivators of this hate industry, marginalize them and demand they be held accountable,' Shakir said." That's Faiz Shakir, one of the authors of the report and a Center for American Progress Vice President.

http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/08/the-i ... eport.html
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Re: $42M Spent To Spread Islamophobia Aug 27, 2011
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Re: $42M spent to spread Islamophobia Aug 27, 2011
loons when confronted by facts, eh :roll:

Not happy is the young one.


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Re: $42M spent to spread Islamophobia Aug 27, 2011
Robert Spencer successfully demolished the report. 'Nuff said.

But what's curious is that (and why) Muslims are obsessed with Robert Spencer. After all, there aren't comparable websites documenting and exposing Jihad run by Muslims. It's almost as if Spencer followers carried out the triple suicide bomb attacks in Nigeria and Algeria in the minds of Muslims (at least, from a Western perspective, that would warrant attention on Spencer and his writings).

But it wasn't Spencer followers behind the bombings, it was Muslims. Spencer merely reports what the bombers and their organizations say. Boko Haram, for instance, said the terrorists behind the bombings 'were guided by the wisdom of Allah' *. Boko Haram said that, not Spencer. So why isn't there 'Boko Haram Watch'? Boko Haram is killing people, not Spencer.

When will we see 'al-Qaeda Watch'? 'Hamas Watch'? 'Islamic Jihad Watch'? Is Muslim righteous indignation taking a time out?

Will these websites be forthcoming from the Muslim and hard Left denizens of the blogosphere or will both sides continue to peddle a victim hood status and ignore the 400 lb gorilla in the room for why JihadWatch exists and has a following in the first place?

As for JihadWatch.com. I'll give you a hint why they exist; you can't have a JihadWatch if there's no Jihad.


* http://nigerianbulletin.com/2011/08/27/ ... -vanguard/
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Re: $42M Spent To Spread Islamophobia Aug 27, 2011
More fantasies from the young one.

'You can't have a flat earth society, if there is no flat earth' says the young one. ;)

Loonwatch is doing a sterling job in exposing Guru Bob's money making spin-machine.

But what is funny, is eh's total silence over Guru Bob's spat with Adam Barnett:

Spencer loses, eh gets frustrated. :roll:

Which reminds me - Bob is still dodging the debate with Danios:

http://spencerwatch.com/2010/11/01/jiha ... loonwatch/

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Re: $42M spent to spread Islamophobia Aug 27, 2011
Thanks for failing to address the meat and potatoes of my post.

I think the fact there aren't any BokoHaramWatch websites pretty much says it all. Wouldn't you agree?

Like the protesters in the video I posted, you're nothing more than talking points.

Don't worry, your secret alphabetized Rolodex of slogans is safe with me.

As FD said:

Always amazing how those so called intellectuals can only talk in propaganda slogans. When challenged to think, they freeze.

So how 'bout answering my question, why is Robert Spencer a bigger boogeyman for the Left and Muslims than Islamic extremists who've murdered thousands in the past year alone?

When are you going to post articles from 'BokoHaramWatch' ? :wink:

(And btw, Spencer has agreed to an open and public debate with Danios. Perhaps you should be aware that it was Danios who chickened out, not Spencer. I know how much facts are important to you when forming opinions and all.)
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Re: $42M Spent To Spread Islamophobia Aug 28, 2011
LOL - how the young disciple of Guru Bob squirms!

Facts, young one, not spin. Guru Bob has run away from debating with Danios and has been punked by Adam Barnett.

Bob Spencer is actually a joke - a pseude-scholar whose credentials are as credible as Anjem Choudhary and who admits to not actually having read the Quran.

But, like a stopped clock, he's occasionally right.

Guru Bob Spencer wrote:Islam makes a lot of people be very moral and upright and live fine lives.

Colmes: That’s good right? And wouldn’t that be true of most Muslims?

I would certainly say so, yeah, I never have denied it.

Facts, young one, facts.

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Re: $42M spent to spread Islamophobia Aug 28, 2011
and who admits to not actually having read the Quran.

Let's see the quote from Spencer where he admits as much.

Facts, young one, facts.

We'll see if you're right or if you're into repeating yourself to make your argument appear credible.

Why no 'BokoHaramWatch' ?
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Re: $42M Spent To Spread Islamophobia Aug 28, 2011
^Facts young one, facts - none of your smokescreens will work now.

Spencer runs away from debating with Danios, is creamed by Adam Barnett and STILL hasn't read the whole Quran. Those are the facts.

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Re: $42M spent to spread Islamophobia Aug 28, 2011
^Facts young one, facts - none of your smokescreens will work now.

Facts are indeed relevant. Talking about facts rather than providing any, on the other hand, aren't.

So when did Robert Spencer say he never fully read the Koran?

Why won't Danios agree to a public debate with Spencer?

Why no "BokoHaramWatch" ?

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Re: $42M Spent To Spread Islamophobia Aug 28, 2011
Why are you hiding from the facts, young one?

Are you ashamed of admitting that Spencer is in hiding from Danios, was punked by Barnett and still hasn't read the Quran? Why only pick on one of the three facts?

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Re: $42M spent to spread Islamophobia Aug 28, 2011
Actually, I addressed two of your three 'facts'.

1) Spencer has accepted to publicly debate Danios. Danios and his goons admit that he fled the invitation.

2) Where did Spencer admit he never fully read the Koran? Are you aware Spencer has written a commentary of the Koran on his site and has published one or two books exclusively on the Koran?

Repeat after me; facts over hype.

Why no "BokoHaramWatch" ?

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Re: $42M Spent To Spread Islamophobia Aug 28, 2011
Just stating your beliefs about 2 of the three facts doesn't make them true, young one.
http://www.loonwatch.com/2010/10/intern ... of-debate/

But I'm intrigued, why are you avoiding the 3rd fact - the punking of Spencer by Barnett?


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Re: $42M spent to spread Islamophobia Aug 29, 2011
Isn't that an opinion, not a fact (Spencer responded to Barnett's accusations - try to keep up)?

And actually, it is a fact Danios declined Spencer's invitation of a public debate. Go to loonwatch and ask around.

Where did Spencer say he never fully read the Koran?

Why no "BokoHaramWatch" ?

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Re: $42M Spent To Spread Islamophobia Aug 29, 2011
Ah, still in denial I see - and you didn't actually click on the links did you?

As for Barnett's punking of Spencer - no, I admit I wasn't aware that Guru Bob had addressed the points against him. Please provide a link and let's see whether he has indeed addressed the points or whether you're spinning this too.

Barnett ends his piece with this:
I could go on, but I ought to address Mr. Spencer’s direct challenge regarding a quote of his which we included. Here is the quote, published on his Jihad Watch site in 2005: ‘there is no distinction in the American Muslim community between peaceful Muslims and jihadists. While Americans prefer to imagine that the vast majority of American Muslims are civic-minded patriots who accept wholeheartedly the parameters of American pluralism, this proposition has actually never been proven.’


Having thus identified all Muslims as suspects who are guilty until proven innocent, Spencer does not specify how to treat Muslims who do not ‘cooperate fully’, or who fail to make the prescribed disassociations. But based on his record and the company he keeps, I’m glad we’ll never have to find out what it might entail.

I think this meets Mr. Spencer’s challenge, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to bring all of this to people’s attention. I’m not sure how one squares the above with the claim that SIOA ‘stand[s] for the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, and equality of rights for all people’. Perhaps Mr. Spencer will enlighten us.

http://www.loonwatch.com/2011/08/adam-b ... t-spencer/

So, has Guru Bob enlightened us?

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Re: $42M spent to spread Islamophobia Aug 29, 2011
I'm not doing your homework for you. Come back to me when you get the real facts and then you can speak.

Spencer's point is correct, no one cited their assertions that American Muslims were pluralistic, democracy lovers like everyone else in America at the time when these claims were frequently made. What's wrong pointing this fact out? These articles then become little more than fluff pieces and that was what Spencer was highlighting.

You've already dug yourself in a hole as it is by claiming Spencer has not agreed to a public debate with Danios and has never read the Koran. When do you feel like supporting either of these 'two' facts?

I'll help you out with one of your facts:

Sorry, I don't debate fictional characters or pseudonyms. "Danios of Loonwatch" can go debate Scot Harvath or Harold Robbins. I use my real name, have received numerous death threats, and cannot appear in public without guards, because so many coreligionists of "Danios of Loonwatch" misunderstand the teachings of his peaceful religion. What is "Danios of Loonwatch" afraid of? He knows that Noam Chomsky and Michael Moore can appear in public with no concern whatsoever, so why does he cower in the shadows?

In any case, "Danios of Loonwatch" has already discredited himself with his windy tu-quoque arguments about Christian doctrines that never existed and that no one has ever heard of, his defamation and outright lies about my owning domain names I never knew existed until he made the charge, and his refusal to acknowledge or correct false information he has posted. Debating such a compromised and dishonest individual would be a waste of time, but nonetheless, since Rehab invokes him and others have referred to his site recently, I am willing: if "Danios of Loonwatch" reveals his real name, finds a university willing to host the debate and contracts an impartial moderator, I'm ready when he is. But I won't be holding my breath.

http://www.jihadwatch.org/2010/10/cairs ... icule.html

Now, where did Spencer say he never fully read the Koran?

Why no "BokoHaramWatch"?

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Re: $42M Spent To Spread Islamophobia Aug 29, 2011
Barnett's point can't be refuted it seems. Interesting that.

"Spencer's point is correct" - interesting belief, but more a sign of your faith in his spin rather than reality.

Spencer's point is:
‘there is no distinction in the American Muslim community between peaceful Muslims and jihadists. While Americans prefer to imagine that the vast majority of American Muslims are civic-minded patriots who accept wholeheartedly the parameters of American pluralism, this proposition has actually never been proven.’

See previous comments about fact vs fiction. Barnett called out Spencer on this, Spencer was punked.

As for debating Danios, as I said - why are you in denial that it is Spencer that is running away from the debate? I even provided you a link to explain this (posted AFTER Spencer's weasly non-offer above):
http://www.loonwatch.com/2010/10/intern ... of-debate/

Facts, not fiction.

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Re: $42M spent to spread Islamophobia Aug 29, 2011
Whatever you need to tell yourself.

Now, where did Spencer say he never fully read the Koran?

Why no "BokoHaramWatch"?

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Re: $42M Spent To Spread Islamophobia Aug 29, 2011
Ok, we're making progress.

Let me check just how much in denial you are concerning Guru Bob.

Do you agree with his more recent pronouncement on Islam:
Colmes: Robert, excuse me, is there anything positive about Islam you could say?

Spencer: Islam makes a lot of people be very moral and upright and live fine lives.

Colmes: That’s good right? And wouldn’t that be true of most Muslims?

Spencer: I would certainly say so, yeah, I never have denied it.


Choice is either:

1. Yes, I agree with Guru Bob that Islam makes the majority of Muslims moral and upright.
2. No, I think Guru Bob was wrong to change his mind about Islam and Muslims.

Fact or fiction? Which do you choose?

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