In The Mind Of A Troll

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Re: In The Mind Of A Troll Nov 08, 2010
Moderation definitely needs an overhaul here.

Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: In The Mind Of A Troll Nov 08, 2010
:cheers: Shafique!!!

It's takes a big person to admit their mistakes, but then again anyone can get caught up into something without realizing it and sometimes it has to be pointed out to see it. You always had interesting discussions to offer, glad to see that you are going to get back on track. Look forward to reading your future posts. As for responding to EH when you think it is warranted, I don't think he has anything new to bring to the table. :lol: Think of the energy you save and be put to good by not responding to him!!!
Bora Bora
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Re: In the mind of a troll Nov 08, 2010
Flying Dutchman wrote:I dont know DDS. Perhaps if you can explain yourself why you need to use derogatory terminology for people who disgaree with you, you can find the answer :!:

Flying Dutchman wrote:Shafique is a geniune troll. He is obsessed with Israel bashing, baiting and cannot help himself with some serious mud throwing when somebody annoys him with pointing out his lies and bigotry. Event horizon certainly focusses on Islam. Then again, I think Islam is a more valid discussion point on DF than the constant Israel bashing. I dont agree with everything that event horizon posts, but he does have some good points. When those points are made count on some mud slinging from Shafique and DDS. Although DDS is not a full blown troll, he certainly shows some trolly behaviour. In general, mods (with a very few exceptions) are doing a very bad job in here imo.
Bora Bora wrote:
I have to agree with you on all points.

Shafique: I give you credit for seeing yourself as contributing to the same behavior as EH, but somehow I think you were a bit mild in critiquing yourself. You are not just a troll-baiter, you are a troll. You start as many threads as EH does. Although you are not a cut and paste kind of guy, it doesn't make you any less of a troll than EH. You always seem to rise to the occasion when EH posts something, and vice versa. I think alot of what you post is for the benefit of EH and seeing what his reaction is, again vice versa.

DDS: You claim that you get a reaction from some people when they don't agree with you. Well I have seen your reaction when YOU don't agree with people, without explaining your opinion as to why you disagree in a conversational matter. It generally ends up being put forth with a twist of you being nasty. One of the understandings should be: we agree to disagree. Even by disagreeing and having a discussion, people may just have something to say that can allow one to think and see something from a different view.

Islam: could make for very interesting discussions if it isn't used 99% of the time to be compared with Jews. Islam is a religion, and could be discussed in a religion vs. religion sense, as in Judism. There are discussion about Islam as a religion, but general reference to Muslims is a reference to the religion. Whereas Jews are Jews - people, not reference to religion. People are quick to refer to Islam or the Koran to justify arguments, but I don't think I have ever seen the Torah referred to. Jewish people live their lives based on the Torah as Muslims live their lives based on the Koran. I caught a partial discussion on the radio today about an Egyptian who has translated the Koran where he attempts to give a translation for the here and now - basically taking it out of the dark ages. He hasn't rewritten it, just gave it his interpretation through translation to help people - Muslims and non-Muslims. Apparently it will be quite a crowd-drawer and certainly will help non-Muslims to have a better understanding of Islam. (I will be looking for it as I am sure it will an interesting read.)

Mods: When I first joined DF I questioned one mod about behavior (posting comments). I was told "just because I'm a mod doesn't mean I can't participate and I am free to say what I want" (something to that effect). DF is a forum that gives alot of leeway to the members in their expression of speech. I have yet to see forums that have "fight club" and that is because they are strictly monitored. I have to say, what has been expressed on DF would have probably caused other forums to have been shut down (those operating in the UAE) either by choice or force. Every moderator here, those that actually exist, is at fault to one degree or another, sometimes more, sometimes less, and that includes threads that should have gone to fight club earlier than they did.

Hear Hear, to all of the above.

My wishlist for change would include;
One set of guidelines for the entire forum with no personal or thread specific interpretation.
Moderators should be global and not thread specific.
Any moderating should be Time and Date stamped and should include a brief reason for the edit or deletion.
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Re: In the mind of a troll Nov 09, 2010
I don't think you can call someone like shafique an actual troll. Trolling is a deliberate attempt to stifle or disrupt discussion - kind of how Desert throws his fits in the Politics forum whenever someone posts a topic he doesn't like, that's trolling.

For shafique's part, and as someone who knows how shafique has behaved on the other forum with complaints coming from all the members who posted in the sub-forum against him, it's hard to believe that anyone could deliberately be that dumb.

To me, it seems like shafique's 'denseness' is definitely something that was ingrained in him from early on and that he has little control over now.

And really, it isn't just non-Muslims who have complained about his posting style. Anyone who disagrees with him notices that he's very far from rational or capable of understanding the position of his opponents, often deliberately taking their arguments out of context and saying, 'I'm glad you agree with me, blah blah blah'.

As I said before, I encourage anyone to challenge him on an issue in the politics forum just to witness first hand what a loon this guy is. I'm not trying to make excuses, but perhaps part of the problem is that shafique is a numbers person, and numbers people don't know how to communicate very well.

It was a mistake to make this person a mod. I would actually say that Desert has a slightly higher IQ than shafique, it's just that Desert is too mentally weak to deal with people on an online forum in a mature manner.

So really, we have two active mods that should never have been made mods. But at least you can only go up after hitting rock bottom.
event horizon
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Re: In The Mind Of A Troll Nov 09, 2010
You know what eh, your criticisms would mean more if you had some credibility. The whole reason you post on this forum is to be a troll in the Politics and Religion section and rile up some Mooslims. Don't pretend to care about the moderating.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: In The Mind Of A Troll Nov 09, 2010
kanelli wrote:Moderation definitely needs an overhaul here.

We're waiting for your suggestions on how to improve moderation in this Forum!!

Hurry up, Mrs. K!!!

Did you know that you're also one of my sweet darlings on DF??

I thought I'd throw that in, in case you thought I only loved BB and BM!!! :) :)

And you too, Chocs!!!!. But you knew that already, didn't you??? :)

:D :D
Tom Jones
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Re: In the mind of a troll Nov 09, 2010
event horizon wrote:I don't think you can call someone like shafique an actual troll. Trolling is a deliberate attempt to stifle or disrupt discussion - kind of how Desert throws his fits in the Politics forum whenever someone posts a topic he doesn't like, that's trolling.

For shafique's part, and as someone who knows how shafique has behaved on the other forum with complaints coming from all the members who posted in the sub-forum against him, it's hard to believe that anyone could deliberately be that dumb.

To me, it seems like shafique's 'denseness' is definitely something that was ingrained in him from early on and that he has little control over now.

And really, it isn't just non-Muslims who have complained about his posting style. Anyone who disagrees with him notices that he's very far from rational or capable of understanding the position of his opponents, often deliberately taking their arguments out of context and saying, 'I'm glad you agree with me, blah blah blah'.

As I said before, I encourage anyone to challenge him on an issue in the politics forum just to witness first hand what a loon this guy is. I'm not trying to make excuses, but perhaps part of the problem is that shafique is a numbers person, and numbers people don't know how to communicate very well.

It was a mistake to make this person a mod. I would actually say that Desert has a slightly higher IQ than shafique, it's just that Desert is too mentally weak to deal with people on an online forum in a mature manner.

So really, we have two active mods that should never have been made mods. But at least you can only go up after hitting rock bottom.

This coming from you!!! ROFLMAO!!! I have to congratulate you for getting through an entire post without a cut and paste. Is this your attempt at humor because it has to be the laugh of the day.

You don't encourage anything, you antagonize!!!! Communicate???? Well cut and paste is not a form of communication.
Bora Bora
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Re: In the mind of a troll Nov 09, 2010
Flying Dutchman wrote:Shafique is a geniune troll. He is obsessed with Israel bashing, baiting and cannot help himself with some serious mud throwing when somebody annoys him with pointing out his lies and bigotry. Event horizon certainly focusses on Islam. Then again, I think Islam is a more valid discussion point on DF than the constant Israel bashing. I dont agree with everything that event horizon posts, but he does have some good points. When those points are made count on some mud slinging from Shafique and DDS. Although DDS is not a full blown troll, he certainly shows some trolly behaviour. In general, mods (with a very few exceptions) are doing a very bad job in here imo.

Good points! I totally agree...
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Re: In The Mind Of A Troll Nov 09, 2010
Tom Jones wrote:
kanelli wrote:Moderation definitely needs an overhaul here.

We're waiting for your suggestions on how to improve moderation in this Forum!!

Hurry up, Mrs. K!!!

Did you know that you're also one of my sweet darlings on DF??

I thought I'd throw that in, in case you thought I only loved BB and BM!!! :) :)

And you too, Chocs!!!!. But you knew that already, didn't you??? :)

:D :D

Be careful, BM and uaekid will soon protest about your behaviour ;)

I'm working on something about rules and moderation, but had a frazzling day today, so need more time to finish it.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: In the mind of a troll Nov 09, 2010
Flying Dutchman wrote:In general, mods (with a very few exceptions) are doing a very bad job in here imo.

FD, I started a thread asking for contributions as how members of DF think moderation can be changed to improve the forum. You posted and then deleted. A broad statement such as above critizing how it is being handled doesn't help unless you support that statement and point out where you think changes need to be made. Take some time and be more specific.

It seems that I'm the only mod who is looking to put something together that could make DF a better forum. I guess it was a bit dumb of me to think it could actually work. Silly me.
Bora Bora
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Re: In The Mind Of A Troll Nov 09, 2010
kanelli wrote:
Tom Jones wrote:
kanelli wrote:Moderation definitely needs an overhaul here.

We're waiting for your suggestions on how to improve moderation in this Forum!!

Hurry up, Mrs. K!!!

Did you know that you're also one of my sweet darlings on DF??

I thought I'd throw that in, in case you thought I only loved BB and BM!!! :) :)

And you too, Chocs!!!!. But you knew that already, didn't you??? :)

:D :D

Be careful, BM and uaekid will soon protest about your behaviour ;)

I'm working on something about rules and moderation, but had a frazzling day today, so need more time to finish it.

The only thing I'm going to protest about is that TJ is spreading himself a bit thinly in the lady department. What is this? TJ's hareem? And there was me thinking I was THE one :(
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Re: In the mind of a troll Nov 09, 2010
This coming from you!!! ROFLMAO!!! I have to congratulate you for getting through an entire post without a cut and paste. Is this your attempt at humor because it has to be the laugh of the day.

You don't encourage anything, you antagonize!!!! Communicate???? Well cut and paste is not a form of communication.

Copy/paste what?

I would be happy to wager that as a percentage of my threads, the ones that are pasted and linked is lower than most of other members in this forum.

In the beginning, I also added my own comments to the threads and only pasted the relevant sections - as we're now doing - before the trolls in question ran interference and accused me and others of 'selectively quoting' articles, etc.

I've also started a number of threads where I simply typed up what I had to say, but those too were trolled/spammed by our site's moderators.

By the time I would copy/paste an article in full without any comment, the active members of the subforums I posted in were well underway of doing the same, typically quoting newspaper editorials or opinion pieces they found on some rag, such as
event horizon
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Re: In The Mind Of A Troll Nov 09, 2010
Better play by the rules buddy from now on as its gonna be a whole new ball game from now on.
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Re: In the mind of a troll Nov 09, 2010
What are these current rules, O Wise One?
event horizon
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Re: In the mind of a troll Nov 09, 2010
event horizon wrote:
This coming from you!!! ROFLMAO!!! I have to congratulate you for getting through an entire post without a cut and paste. Is this your attempt at humor because it has to be the laugh of the day.

You don't encourage anything, you antagonize!!!! Communicate???? Well cut and paste is not a form of communication.

Copy/paste what?

I would be happy to wager that as a percentage of my threads, the ones that are pasted and linked is lower than most of other members in this forum.

In the beginning, I also added my own comments to the threads and only pasted the relevant sections - as we're now doing - before the trolls in question ran interference and accused me and others of 'selectively quoting' articles, etc.

I've also started a number of threads where I simply typed up what I had to say, but those too were trolled/spammed by our site's moderators.

By the time I would copy/paste an article in full without any comment, the active members of the subforums I posted in were well underway of doing the same, typically quoting newspaper editorials or opinion pieces they found on some rag, such as

I confirm some of your statements, some posts have been deleted and edited in religions(not by me) and I tried to stop it but well I was not successful there!!!
Dubai Forums Knight
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Re: In the mind of a troll Nov 09, 2010
event horizon wrote:
This coming from you!!! ROFLMAO!!! I have to congratulate you for getting through an entire post without a cut and paste. Is this your attempt at humor because it has to be the laugh of the day.

You don't encourage anything, you antagonize!!!! Communicate???? Well cut and paste is not a form of communication.

Copy/paste what?

I would be happy to wager that as a percentage of my threads, the ones that are pasted and linked is lower than most of other members in this forum.

In the beginning, I also added my own comments to the threads and only pasted the relevant sections - as we're now doing - before the trolls in question ran interference and accused me and others of 'selectively quoting' articles, etc.

I've also started a number of threads where I simply typed up what I had to say, but those too were trolled/spammed by our site's moderators.

By the time I would copy/paste an article in full without any comment, the active members of the subforums I posted in were well underway of doing the same, typically quoting newspaper editorials or opinion pieces they found on some rag, such as

To be fair, I hardly stopped by Politics anymore because it basically became a "you and Shaf" forum, bantering back and forth over the same old tired subject. Or is that subjects - as in 2.

Hopefully more interesting debates and conversations can come from change and more people can contribute on various topics, not just the one or two that you and Shaf bickered about. Oh, by the way, you may be on your own because Shaf has become bored with it. So change is a comin boy and I hope you can be part of it or be left out. Up to you.
Bora Bora
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Re: In the mind of a troll Nov 10, 2010
Wow what started out as satire has turned into something rather honest. Kudos to BB and Mel for shooting it straight. :cheers:

To Kanelli - If one has to accede that EH is a troll than the next question would be what led him to DF in the first place. I've been on the forums a long time and come to the conclusion that EH is only here to counter Shafique. Simple. So if one's gonna be labeled a troll than why spare the other?
You see Shaf is lot more refined with certain aspects of debate and is hence a lot more engaging and I too thoroughly enjoy reading his perspectives. Dare I say I even agree with him at times? :D
But that doesn't change the fact that his one sided political discourse could also be labeled troll-ing.

My suggestions would be,

DDS - dude quit insulting people whose posts you dnt agree with. That's something even FD bought up. You literally drove Robby out of here...

EH - Try and be honest about debate. Dnt add a political or religious perspective to everything cos when you frequently do it you only end up looking stupid. There are two separate threads for that.

Shafique - a bit of restraint really would'nt hurt.

Let the party beginnn :D
Misery Called Life
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Re: In The Mind Of A Troll Nov 10, 2010
Well thats just me and people who know me mostly know its just sarcasm or me being blunt, sometimes I'm just being my mean self on purpose. Many of my friends call me bitter bhai ( bro ) ! So don't expect any miracles in that dept. ;)
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Re: In the mind of a troll Nov 10, 2010
Misery Called Life wrote:Wow what started out as satire has turned into something rather honest. Kudos to BB and Mel for shooting it straight. :cheers:

To Kanelli - If one has to accede that EH is a troll than the next question would be what led him to DF in the first place. I've been on the forums a long time and come to the conclusion that EH is only here to counter Shafique. Simple. So if one's gonna be labeled a troll than why spare the other?
You see Shaf is lot more refined with certain aspects of debate and is hence a lot more engaging and I too thoroughly enjoy reading his perspectives. Dare I say I even agree with him at times? :D
But that doesn't change the fact that his one sided political discourse could also be labeled troll-ing.

My suggestions would be,

DDS - dude quit insulting people whose posts you dnt agree with. That's something even FD bought up. You literally drove Robby out of here...

EH - Try and be honest about debate. Dnt add a political or religious perspective to everything cos when you frequently do it you only end up looking stupid. There are two separate threads for that.

Shafique - a bit of restraint really would'nt hurt.

Let the party beginnn :D

So eh comes and posts only in one forum and only about anti-Islam propaganda, but somehow I'm supposed to blame Shaf for that?

The Politics and Religion forum is full of crap and banter between mostly two people. That needs to change for sure! Shaf needs more restraint, absolutely.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: In The Mind Of A Troll Nov 10, 2010
How is my restraint being received these days? ;)

The criticisms are valid and I totally agree that whatever the intentions and excuses, my posts and actions were indeed troll-like.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: In The Mind Of A Troll Nov 10, 2010
shafique wrote:How is my restraint being received these days? ;)


:thumbright: :thumbleft:
Bora Bora
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Re: In The Mind Of A Troll Nov 11, 2010
Bora Bora wrote:
shafique wrote:How is my restraint being received these days? ;)


:thumbright: :thumbleft:

Was this the reason for the sin bin. Sticking one finger up?
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